
eFiler 3.1 is released 

 December 15, 2015

By  Sean

We are pleased to announce the release of eFiler 3.1 which is a major upgrade to eFiler and includes (but is not limited to) the following new features –

Support for Outlook 2016
File and search emails on Google Drive, Dropbox and One Drive
Based on .net 4.5.2
A faster more responsive search tool
Additional search filter for Conversations
Improved search result highlighting
AND / OR quick filter option to quickly refine search results
Additional policy options, to reset merge and deploy locations and settings
Specify the number of labels you wish to assign to locations
On screen filing progress and notification indicator
Additional filename template options (build your own template manager)

Download eFiler to file and find your emails.

Detailed list of changes –

Installing and launching:


  • New installation options including inclusion of licence serial number in command line to license machines while installing by group policy.
  • Button in change licence ID to return a machine’s licence when the machine is to be replaced.
  • Much faster launching of Outlook


Support for new technology:


  • Support for very high resolution displays
  • Migration to .NET 4.5.2 to make code compact and faster
  • Support for Outlook 2016


Cloud integration:


  • Programmatic connection to Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox for cloud storage and search even without sync client installed.
  • Option to connect to private cloud storages via WebDAV.


User Interface:


  • Much faster to open filing and search dialogs, particularly when the user has a large number of filing locations.
  • New storage wizard allows for cloud and file system storages and folder locations to be stored as convenient starting places for adding new locations.
  • Location manager “Add location” opens at selected location
  • New feature to file into a subfolder without having to add it to your list
  • Automatic creation of labels when adding a filing location.
  • Option to choose how many labels are added when a location is added.
  • Ability to select many locations to share or remove them and to remove unwanted labels in one operation.
  • Faster writing of multiple locations selected by right-click in Windows Explorer.
  • Resizable Location Manager dialog
  • Search window resizable and persistent between sessions
  • New Ref: text column in search
  • New AND/OR button in search to toggle between wide and narrow searches
  • New attachment filter in search
  • New conversation filter in search – find a conversation involving any number of people or domains.
  • Much faster search indexing and display of results.
  • New Index update button.
  • Clearer rendering of text in the search results
  • New add location button in search – no need to open the search location manager to add locations.
  • Admin settings menu to enable configurations to be set, locked and uploaded without using Policy Manager
  • Edit, upload and replace or merge policy filing locations without using Policy Manager
  • Autosave feature for dispute resolution or offsite backup for disaster recovery
  • New filename template manager for drag and drop template creation including punctuation and yy as well as yyyy
  • New third party in filename to add sender of received email or first named recipient of sent email
  • New sender’s initials option for filename
  • New purge shared locations option in Policy Manager
  • New cloud sync folder naming to concatenate labels instead of using only last label
  • Integrated cloud sync and drop panel template manager
  • New method for displaying filing progress and confirmation which is less intrusive
  • Improved deduplication algorithms
  • Improved general stability

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Microsoft try now – where to with the ‘new’ Outlook

The Power of Organized Inbox: The Benefits of Filing Emails

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